Call for Papers


GDG DevFest Hamburg 2014 will be held 8th of November in the Xing office Hamburg. If you want to be part of this great event as a speaker you knocked at the good door.

Presenters – who should speak at a DevFest?

  • developers with expierience in Google technologies
  • companies developing software (apps, tools, frameworks etc.)
  • research institutions with Google relevant activities
  • companies, organisations and individuals using Google technologies

If you belong to one of those groups you are cordially invited to submit a talk proposal (or a number of proposals). Basically a talk can be about anything that is relatd to Google technologies. Of course some topics are more and some are less interesting for the general audience. We, the organizer team, will assess all proposals and select the actual conference talks. Following a few suggestions which topics a DevFest talk could takle.

  • AndroidTV
  • Material Design
  • Migration to ART
  • New Android Camera API
  • New Job Scheduler
  • Storage Access Framework

  • Android Continuous Integration
  • Loaders, Cursor Adapters
  • Android Animations
  • Patterns in Android development
  • AngularJS
  • Dart
  • Polymer and WebComponents
  • Material Design in Web
  • ChromeOS (apps development)
  • Web Performance
  • Google Cloud Platform
    • Compute Engine
    • App Engine
    • Storages (SQL, NoSQL, BigData)
    • APIs
  • Go

Please submit your proposals here.

Please note: There is no guarantee that a submission will be put onto the conference agenda!

We will pick the most interesting and fitting talk proposals and inform the selected submitters

Any questions?

Email organizers at

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