Jeremy Abbett Creative Director / Interaction Designer / Educator, Google
Jeremy Abbett is a believer in those that can think and make. His belief comes in the form of his own personal experience starting several ventures that found their genesis at the intersection of design and technology. He continues to explore the intersection of design and technology in his latest position at Google.
Kitchen-sink frameworks such as Rails include massive amounts of code designed to help with easy out of the box testing through the whole stack. In this talk I’ll discuss the tooling I came up with to emulate the good parts of the Rails database migrations, and transactional tests and fixtures fixtures using some of Go’s excellent standard library.
Lee Hambley Founder, Consultant, Software Engineer, Harrow.io
I’m the founder of a successful consultancy company personally offering extensive experience with Ruby, PHP, Lua, and SQL (MySQL and PostgreSQL). Sometimes I work with JavaScript, C or Objective-C. I contribute heavily to open source. I’ve maintained Capistrano for the last few years; it’s the de-facto standard for deploying Ruby or Rails applications. I’m working hard with a couple of awesome people at making it work well for other projects too, you can watch us work.
In the session we will show a demo of the new features, code samples of it, as well as introduce the backwards compatibility capabilities. We will also showcase a migration guide with the first steps to adapt your current app into Lollipop.
In the session we will show a demo of the new features, code samples of it, as well as introduce the backwards compatibility capabilities. We will also showcase a migration guide with the first steps to adapt your current app into Lollipop.
This presentation will be about a yeoman generator that helps you kickstart the fullstack nodeJS development. I'll try to explain what yeoman is, how it works together with the other tools involved and show what features this particular generator has.
Kjell Otto Software Developer and System Architect, Fast Lane Institute for Knowledge Transfer GmbH
I'm a developer who just can't loose interest in new technologies and ways of doing the things we do in software. I love hackathons and the momentum they create. The generator-angular-fullstack is just a nice fit in that regard.
The technology might be a little bit old but interesting for those that dont know it to get a glimpse what we can do to geht 3D data from two photos of a scene just using Math. The way it is be done is using MSERs maximally stable regions. What they are and how this works i will show and also answer questions.
Go is THE emerging language of the devops world. In this session I want to show how we use Go for infrastructure automation and deployments of PhraseApp. I will explain what made us migrate our tools from ruby to Go and share best practices and learnings we had over the last year.
Tobias Schwab Co-Founder, Dynport
Tobias Schwab is co-founder of Dynport, an IT consultancy which helps internet startups in all business stages. Dynport is also the company behind PhraseApp, a translation management solution for web and mobile applications. Tobias started developing with Ruby on Rails in 2006 and worked on some of the largest German Ruby on Rails applications (e.g. Qype, Simfy and Wimdu). In the last years he implemented scalable and fully automated cloud deployments for various fast growing internet companies. His current center of interested is creating infrastructure agnostic management and orchestration tools with the go programming language.
This talk will be about why Android developers should make animations in their apps and briefly present the current (Android version < 5.0) tools to make them.
Alberto Ballano Android developer, Xing AG
I've been working for almost 3 years as an Android dev and now I'm working in an awesome company as XING. I'm a perfectionist in my work and a fanatic of the UI & UX. For many years I was envious of iOS' animations, now I learned a bit about them and I try to apply them in every project I work on. I'm also a bit nerd and a passionate about games and TV Series.
Give everyone a high level overview about the Polymer Project. What problems are we solving? Why Web Components?
The Android platform market penetration is constantly on the rise and obviously a lot of time is spent coding in Java which is not the most efficient language to develop, test and build. This talk presents an approach to develop Android application using Scala programming language and SBT with Android plugin as a build tool. This toolset supports iterative development and efficient build cycles. As an addition to this talk, I'll explain how to use native libraries and integrate them into any Android application. GStreamer multimedia framework will be used as an example.
Nenad V. Nikolić Software Engineer and Consultant, Shonzilla
Nenad is an independent software engineer with 15 years of professional experience. His current fields of interest are building web, API and search-related products using Java platform with Scala and other JVM programming languages. He's always open to an occasional project using other developing platforms. Nenad holds an MSc degree in Computer Engineering and Science, he's fluent in 5 (natural) languages and around as many programming languages. Enjoys hacking and yoga, often while listening to eclectic music.
One of Androids new shapes is the one of a watch on your wrist. Besides the basic adjustments of notifications for Wearable devices, it is also possible to run full fledged applications on them, that don't suck. These applications are highly depended on new APIs for inter device communication and some new ui widgets. This talk wants to give a introduction to Android Wear, its special APIs, features and latest developments.
Matthias Friedrich Android Developer/Enthusiast, Jimdo / GDG Hamburg Android
As Android user from the beginning, I started to develop for the platform with version 1.6 in 2009. Since then i'm following its progress very enthusiastically and worked on several applications, big and small, successful in the Play Store and as specialized customer solutions . During these years, i also co-founded the GDG Bremen and GDG Android Hamburg, gave several Android related talks and organized developer events around Google technologies in general.